Santa Claus Is Coming!!!

Aloha! Can you believe we already have to start planning for Christmas?!? It’s getting more and more expensive to buy gifts for family and what better and more sentimental way to show them you love them than to get a holiday portrait done. We are offering holiday portraits again this year at USA Baby with […]

I Got Lollipopped!

Quite regal, eh?! This was done at the recent workshop I attended by a mother-daughter team, Mama Shan and her daughter Nora. They have a photography studio in Nashville and Mama Shan is a Photoshop whiz. This look is their trademark “Lollipop” action for Photoshop.

Finally Home

I just got back in yesterday evening after a very long day of traveling. What an awesome trip. I don’t know any other way to put it. Now I have a lot of things to catch up on and can’t wait to let everyone in on my new projects and events.

Hurry Up and Wait

Alright, airport wi-fi stinks. I tried downloading a movie to watch on my marathon plane ride back to Oahu and it failed miserably. But hey! I now have a three-video credit from Apple. Whoopee. I can’t use it on the plane. So, maybe I’ll try to get some shut eye and hope that I sleep […]

I’m Outta Here!

Actually, I’m heading out of Tennessee in a matter of a few hours. If you had told me at the beginning of the year that I would be going to Tennessee not once but twice, I would have told you to get your head checked. Unbelievable but true. I leave you with a picture I […]