That’s How I Roll…

Me: Drew want to get dressed up and take some pictures with Momma? Drew: Sure! I’ll be right back. Me: All you did was put on a hat! And that is how a four-year-old boy gets dressed up for pictures.

Happy Veteran’s Day!

Thank you to all who serve and defend our nation. If you are not deployed, may you spend a wonderful and relaxing day with your family. If you are deployed, know that many people are grateful for your sacrifice and have you in their prayers.

Super Baby!

If you think your child is responsible enough, let them have a little video camera and go to town. This is what I just got back from my daughter. Super Baby!

Time To Read Together

This darling little girl kept me on my toes, but when it came time to read with Dad she totally settled down. It was like magic. It was the Daddy effect:)

6 month beauty

This young lady came in for her family’s traditional six month portrait in a washbasin. It has such a timeless look to it, doesn’t it?