
As a personal challenge, I decide to become involved in an 8 week portrait course to study the lighting and portraiture of some of the greatest portrait photographers past and present. It has been equal parts inspiring and challenging. Each one of these icons has a style which is immediately recognizable. It’s something all photographers strive for, to create their own unique and recognizable style so as to stand out in the vast sea of professional photographers.

The first photographer on my assignment list was Victor Skrebneski, a legendary fashion photographer from Chicago who has been a major force in fashion photography for over 40 years.  He is well known for his stark lighting and moody black and white portraits.  While he has other lighting setups, this one in particular caught my eye and inspired me.

Below is my portrait which with a little influence of Victor Skrebneski.  Hopefully, I’ve captured the spirit of his style.  To read  more about this legend, check out this link













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