Super Baby!

If you think your child is responsible enough, let them have a little video camera and go to town. This is what I just got back from my daughter. Super Baby!

Time To Read Together

This darling little girl kept me on my toes, but when it came time to read with Dad she totally settled down. It was like magic. It was the Daddy effect:)

One of these is not like the others

I love the holidays. I love how festive the mood is, I love being with my family, and I love tradition. But what I love most is taking goofy pictures of my kids. It’s just flat out fun. Anyway, here’s a recent outtake I thought I would share.

I swear I didn’t do it…

She certainly does look guilty of something, but what?  Actually, she was pretty shy during the entire session.  For only being two years old, this young lady did a pretty good job of keeping it together.

2010 or 1977?

I love the retro look in photos.  You know the saying what’s old is new?  Anyway, this was a grab shot of my daughter from today and I worked a little magic to give it that retro feel.