Baby Sings The Blues
My little boy put on an impromptu jam session for me today. He sang the theme to “Toy Story” while bopping on his Wiggles guitar. Look out world!
This blog post is about absolutely nothing. Isn’t that refreshing?!? Seriously though, we’ve been hard at work behind the scenes. Not a lot of time to post goodies on the blog these days, but we’re still thinking of you. *chirp*
Man About Town
This young lad doesn’t let the grass grow under his feet. Then again, when have you ever seen a one-year-old baby who liked to sit still?!?
Oh To Be Carefree!
When was the last time you got to just sit and watch your kids be, well, kids? Their spontaneity is perhaps the most refreshing and wonderful thing to behold, especially nowadays where everything is planned and scheduled and they are little adults in training. This is what I love about photographing children; I get to […]
Here’s Justin’s first session. As you can see, it was a family affair