Beautiful Sunrise…
What can I say? Nature is more beautiful than anything humans can possibly conjure up. What’s tricky about computers and digital photography is that you won’t necessarily see the same color tonality and richness on your monitor that the photographer sees, so with that, I hope you’re able to see the beautiful colors in this […]
At The Edge Of The World…
Here’s a twilight image taken just this morning… off in the distance is a fisherman who, luckily for me, happened to be in my line of sight. Enjoy!
Old Hawaii or New?
I find it intriguing how changing up the post processing on an image can change the feel and look entirely. Here is a before and after of an image I have been working on. Note the one constant, which is the tilt shift selective focus that was done in camera and not in Photoshop. Enjoy! […]
Image of the Day: Winter Rose