Princess in the Making…
Happiness is…
the longing for repetition -Milan Kundera
Early Morning at the Beach
I had an early morning session at the beach and afterwards decided to hang around to “play” as most devoted professional photographers tend to do. For us, playing means shooting more images for personal satisfaction. It was quite windy, but I did come away with this lovely landscape shot. Enjoy and have a great weekend! […]
The Great Escape

I can’t imagine wanting to run away from a sheet cake that someone gave me license to devour all by myself, but this young lady couldn’t wait to get out of Dodge 🙂
Sometimes life gets too serious and we need to inject a little humor in it. Am I right about this?!? Well, in the spirit of creating good times and having fun, we decided recently to add another dimension to our studio work. Lollipop photos. What the heck is a Lollipop photo you ask? Well, it’s […]