Environmental Portrait of a Dad
Hoping all the dads out there celebrated and enjoyed their special day with their loved ones this past weekend…
Even kids love UPS

Ok, so this has to be one of the more interesting and unexpected Halloween costumes I’ve encountered this year. While I love it when that brown truck comes to my door bearing some mysterious goody I ordered, I never once thought for a moment that a kid would want to go dressed as a UPS […]
Ever evolving…
We’ve been pretty quiet which means we’ve been pretty busy getting ready for an exciting new year. Hopefully, the new year promises many good things for you and your family. If one of the changes includes a new addition to your family, don’t forget to attend the New Baby Expo. We will be attending […]
2010 or 1977?
I love the retro look in photos. You know the saying what’s old is new? Anyway, this was a grab shot of my daughter from today and I worked a little magic to give it that retro feel.