Don’t Lose The Most Valuable Treasure You Have
It’s a funny thing actually, but I can look at photos from when I was growing up and still remember the moment when those were taken. And as I look at those printed photos, I also think to myself, ‘thank God my parents printed these photos.’ You see, I’ve lost all of my grandparents, great […]
The War of Art
Change is inevitable and in order to grow and progress, you have to step outside of your bubble of comfort and face down your fears. I’ve been going through this metamorphosis for nearly two years. Though the changes were not of my choice (we moved from Hawaii to the DC area), I realized that maybe it […]
Who I Am & Why It Matters
Anyone who has ever met me knows that while I love a good laugh at my own expense, I can also be somewhat of a deep thinker. I’ve always been intrigued by human nature and how I can better understand how I am perceived by others. So, when a dear friend of mine, who happens to […]
Ikea has the right idea!
This is a recent ad from Ikea which went viral this past month. While they were clearly making fun of Apple, they also made a huge statement which I think should not be overlooked. Here is the link to view the video: In a nod to Apple’s product ads, Ikea made released a video […]
So, it’s fake Monday today…
At least, that’s how I feel when the week starts on a Tuesday. I know I’m not the only one who feels that way, right?!? With that in mind, I thought I’d share a photo of a typical Japanese citizen on his bicycle, swerving to avoid pedestrians as he tries frantically to make it into work […]